Nature Delivers

Haskap berries are also naturally super rich in antioxidants - the powerful compound that seeks out free radicals in our cells and renders them harmless.


And we mean massive!

Just one serving (100g) of Haskap offers you double the Vitamin A, and more Vitamin C than an Orange!

Haskap also has higher contents of calcium, iron, phosporus and potassium than blueberries, oranges, grapes and apples. And that's just the start!

  • Haskap jam preserve on a bagel with cream cheese being eaten outdoors in Nova Scotia, Canada
  • Haskap Highland Orchards grassland fields in Nova Scotia, Canada
  • Haskap Virgin Sangria mocktail



Haskap berries have long been at the staple of nutritional health in Japan, a country well known for its low rate of degenerative diseases.

When the Japanese diet was closely examined, scientists found the source, an antioxidant, more specifically the anthocyanin, C3G, found in abundance in the Haskap berry.

  • Woman's hand outstretched with blue honeysuckle haskap berries in it
  • Haskap Highland Orchards photo of a bowl of haskap berries close up

  • Antioxidant_bar_graph - capacity of haskap berries compared to other fruits, such as blueberry, blackberry, strawberry, raspberry, and red grapes

Haskap Comes Out On Top

The most powerful of the antioxidants are the anthocyanins called C3G. Haskap has a very high content of C3G, the most potent of the anthocyanins that reduce free radicals, in-turn reducing inflammation- a key factor causing almost all degenerative diseases.

The hierarchy, from most generic to most specific, is:
Antioxidants -> Polyphenols -> Anthocyanins -> C3G.
C3G stands for Cyanidin-3-0-Glucoside.

Here's how haskap berries rank among other C3G-rich fruits:

  • Chart showing anthocyanin (C3G) levels for haskap and haskap berry juice vs wild blueberry, cranberry, grapes and more


The deep purply-blue skin and crimson coloured flesh of Haskap berries is the source of its exceptionally high antioxidant content, which is usually measured in the lab as Polyphenols. The most powerful of the antioxidants is a polyphenol known as C3G (Cyanidin-3-0-Glucoside). Haskap’s strong production of C3G at 2049 mg/litre (compared to blueberries at 222 mg/litre) has the benefit of reducing inflammation in the body as a direct result of excess free radical elimination. That’s 9 times the antioxidant action of blueberries!!

Reported in the Canadian Journal of Plant Science , researchers presented a simplified diagram of the potential health benefits of the Haskap Berry:

  • Other forms of antioxidants that can be found in Haskap Berries are exceptionally high contents of Vitamin C and Vitamin A.

    Just one serving (100 g) of Haskap Berries offers more Vitamin C than an orange, plus double the Vitamin A. 

    • Vitamin C is an antioxidant for the maintenance of good health and helps to support immune function.
    • Vitamin A helps support eye and skin health as well as the immune system.

    Haskap also has higher contents of calcium, iron, phosphorus and potassium than blueberries, oranges, grapes and apples.

    Note: 5% or less is a little, and 15% or more is a lot.

  • Haskap berry nutritional facts


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