Rise and Shine with Haskap Berries: 5 Delicious Breakfast Recipes to Kickstart Your Day!

Rise and Shine with Haskap Berries: 5 Delicious Breakfast Recipes to Kickstart Your Day!

There's no better way to greet the day than with the vibrant flavours of Haskap berries. Bursting with sweet and tangy notes, these little gems are the perfect addition to your breakfast table, waking up those tastebuds and giving you a healthy dose of vitamins and antioxidants before you go about your day.  

In this blog, we're sharing five mouth-watering easy breakfast recipes to infuse your mornings with the joy of Haskap berries.

  1. Ooey-Gooey-Crunchy Haskap Bars

First up, we have our irresistible Ooey-Gooey-Crunchy Haskap Bars. These delectable treats celebrate the Haskap berry's unique flavour and are perfect for a quick breakfast on the go. If you're craving a satisfying crunch and a burst of Haskap goodness, you can find the recipe on our website here. The combination of Haskap's distinctive flavour and a delightful crunch will make these bars a breakfast favourite, whether it’s you rushing out the door or your kids!

  1. Toasted Bagel with Cream Cheese and Haskap Preserve

For a simple yet indulgent breakfast, try a toasted bagel slathered with creamy cream cheese and a generous dollop of our Haskap preserve. The sweet and tangy notes of the preserve perfectly complement the richness of the cream cheese, creating an easy way to tantalize your taste buds.

  1. Energizing Haskap Berry Smoothie Bowl

Looking for a refreshing and nutritious breakfast option? Try an energizing Haskap berry smoothie bowl. Packed with the goodness of Haskap juice, this vibrant smoothie bowl will be a feast for your eyes and tastebuds.  

If you don’t have a smoothie bowl recipe in use already, simply blend ½ cup Haskapur juice with 1 banana, ½ cup plain Greek yogurt, and ¼ cup oats until smooth. Pour into a bowl and top with your favourite mix-ins like granola, bee pollen, coconut flakes, chia seeds or goji berries. The sweet-tart flavour of Haskap berries combines with creamy yogurt and banana for a nutritious breakfast delight that will fuel your day with sustained energy.

  1. Haskap Berry Porridge

For a heartwarming breakfast, prepare your favourite porridge according to package instructions. Once the porridge is ready, spoon a generous dollop of Haskap preserve on top. Allow it to gently melt and infuse the warm porridge with its sweet-tangy flavour. For a more even flavour and an enticing visual, gently swirl the haskap with a spoon to make a ripple effect.

The combination of creamy porridge and vibrant Haskap jam creates a comforting and delightful breakfast experience that will warm your soul and energize your day. Sprinkle with your choice of nuts, seeds, or fresh fruit for an extra touch of indulgence.

  1. Haskap Berry Breakfast Parfait

You can create a delightful and nutritious breakfast parfait by layering a glass with creamy Greek yogurt, followed by a spoonful of Haskap preserve followed by a layer of your favourite granola for a satisfying crunch. Repeat the layers to your liking or till you reach the top! Top it off with a final dollop of Haskap preserve and a sprinkle of fresh berries or nuts for a beautiful presentation and a burst of flavour in every spoonful.

You can prepare this breakfast option the night before for even better results! Make as above then cover the parfait and refrigerate it overnight. This allows the flavours to meld together, and the granola will soften slightly, creating a delicious and convenient breakfast option that's ready to enjoy as soon as you wake up.

Start Your Day the Haskap Way!

You can incorporate haskap berries into your breakfast routine in so many ways, starting the day with a burst of vitamins and antioxidants! Whether you're savouring a sweet Haskap preserve on a toasted bagel or blending Haskap juice into a refreshing smoothie bowl, Haskap berries are sure to brighten your breakfast table and put a smile on everyone’s faces.

Got your own recipe using haskap berries? We’d love to hear it! Let us know how you’re using haskap in your kitchen.

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